

  • 2183
  • 产品价格:20.00 元/块
  • 发货地址:河北衡水 包装说明:统一包装
  • 产品数量:9999.00 块产品规格:规格齐全
  • 信息编号:93883451公司编号:13262132
  • 石国胜 销售经理 微信 182300895..
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    相关产品: 桥梁支座厂家 桥梁板式支座厂家 板式支座厂家


球冠圆桥梁板式橡胶支座(TCYB系列) 普通桥梁板式橡胶支座--- 矩形普通板式橡胶支座(GJZ系列)   圆形普通桥梁板式橡胶支座(GYZ系列)   板式橡胶支座   圆形四氟板式橡胶支座(GYZF4系列)   聚四氟乙烯板式橡胶支座--- 矩形四氟板式橡胶支座(GJZF4系列)   球冠四氟板式橡胶支座(TCYBF4系列) 
a、氯丁橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-25℃   b、天然橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-40℃   c、三元乙丙橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-45℃
板式橡胶支座的作用及其布置支座主要有两个作用:能很好的传递桥梁上部的荷载, 调节上部结构和下部结构之间的相对位移。
板式橡胶支座主要靠的是橡胶的变形来调节平移和转动。橡胶支座是桥梁上、下部结构的连接点。其作用是将上部结构的荷载(包括恒载和活载)顺适、安全地传递到桥梁墩台上,同时要保证上部结构在支座处能自由变形(转动或移动),以便使结构的实际受力情况与计算简图相符合。因此,对桥梁支座要正确设置,并经常注意保养维修,对其损坏部分要进行修补加固。 桥梁支座按其作用分固定支座和活动支座两类。固定支座用来固定桥梁结构在墩台上的位置,它只能转动而不能移;活动支座则可保证在温度变化、混凝土收缩和荷载作用下结构能自由转动和自由移动。
Because the slab bridge support is the supporting part of the bridge span structure. Its function is to transfer the load on the bridge span structure to the abutment through the support. The role of the support is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
1、 使反力明确地作用到墩台的*位置,并将集中反力扩散到一个足够大的面积上,以保证墩台工作的安全可靠
The reaction force is explicitly applied to the designated position of the abutment, and the concentrated reaction force is spread to a large enough area to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the abutment
2、 保证桥跨结构在支点按计算图式所规定的条件变形 
Ensure that the bridge span structure is deformed at the fulcrum according to the conditions specified in the calculation schema
3、 保证桥跨结构在墩台上的位置充分固定,不至滑落
Ensure that the position of the bridge span structure on the abutment is fully fixed and not slipped
In the bridge structure, the plate rubber bearing is the connection point of the upper and lower structures of the bridge.
The function is to transfer the load of the superstructure smoothly and safely to the pier and pier, and to ensure the free deformation of the superstructure under the influence of load, temperature change and concrete shrinkage.
In order to make the actual force of the structure conform to the calculation pattern, and protect the beam end and the pier cap from damage.
This requires that it has sufficient vertical stiffness and elasticity to reliably transfer the entire load of the bridge superstructure to the abutment.
At the same time, it is subjected to the horizontal displacement, rotation angle and deformation of the end of the bridge span caused by the load, which mitigates and alleviates the vibration of the pier and adapts to the expansion and contraction of the bridge span caused by temperature and humidity changes.
As far as the mounting position of the plate rubber bearing is concerned, although it can be replaced in use, the cost, technicality and difficulty of replacement are large.
Most of the bearings in the bridge can be described as permanent installations, and the life of the bearings should be consistent with the life of the bridge, otherwise it will have adverse consequences for the use of the bridge.
Although the cost of the support in the cost of the bridge is only a small proportion, but the effect far exceeds its cost, for this reason, the support has become one of the important materials for the construction and use of the bridge.
In recent years, during the use of the support, various quality problems and quality hazards have appeared in the support. The reasons can be divided into three aspects: product quality, construction quality and design selection.
The product quality, construction quality and design selection of the plate rubber bearing are related to the service life of the rubber bearing. The production party, the construction party and the design side need to cooperate closely. The problem of any one side will seriously affect the service life of the rubber bearing. .

欢迎来到衡水聚诚橡胶制品有限公司网站,我公司位于属于环渤海经济圈和首都经济圈的“1+9+3”计划京南区—衡水市。 具体地址是河北衡水衡水市和平东路24号,负责人是石国胜。
联系电话是18230089589, 主要经营衡水聚诚橡胶制品有限公司主营:管道封堵气囊,板式橡胶支座,双组份聚硫密封胶 ,管道堵水气囊,修补橡胶坝等产品,欢迎各位前来指导!。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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