

  • 1834
  • 产品价格:220.00 元/米
  • 发货地址:河北衡水 包装说明:统一包装
  • 产品数量:9999.00 米产品规格:规格齐全
  • 信息编号:94066338公司编号:13262132
  • 石国胜 销售经理 微信 182300895..
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Transport, storage and installation of telescopic devices
(Note: The use of expansion joints is mainly to prevent the temperature from changing and causing damage to the thermal expansion and contraction of the pavement structure. Now, in order to reduce the earthquake hazard, the expansion joints also prevent the displacement of the beam body from being excessive.)
After the telescopic device is assembled according to the design requirements, it will be transported to the construction site by the manufacturer or user.
A segmented method can be used if its length exceeds the transport allowable limit or cannot be transported as a whole for other reasons.
After the telescopic device arrives at the construction site, its storage location should be as close as possible to the installation location and should be placed on a support at least 30 cm above the ground.
The same excellent telescopic device, different installation quality, use effect and durability will have significant differences.
The problems reflected in our investigation and study fully demonstrate that the construction and installation quality of the telescopic device is the last key link to ensure the use of the telescopic device.
The installation of the telescopic device should be carried out as soon as possible after the pavement is installed. Before the installation of the telescopic device, the width, depth and pre-embedded steel bars of the reserved trough should be inspected to meet the requirements for installing the telescopic device.
To clean the notches, all dirt, dust, and other unwanted things must be removed.
Check the gap between the beams of the telescopic device to meet the temperature requirements. If it is not met, it must be adjusted under the guidance of the engineering and technical personnel of the manufacturer, so that the gap between the beams of the telescopic device meets the design requirements, and then press the upper clamp after adjustment. installation.
Take the asphalt pavement on both sides as the elevation, use the lifting equipment to place the telescopic device in the slot, adjust the telescopic device so that the top surface is the same as the road surface elevation, and the longitudinal slope and cross slope should be consistent with the bridge pavement.
Check the position of the telescopic device so that the position of the telescopic device in the direction of the vertical slit and the direction of the slit meet the design requirements.
If the individual pre-embedded steel bars interfere with the correct installation of the telescopic device at this time, they can be cut by gas.
After the telescopic device is properly seated, the anchoring rib on one side of the telescopic device is connected to the pre-embedded reinforcing bar of the reserved groove and welded.
One weld can be welded one at a time, and then the anchor steel bars on the other side are welded as described above.
When the telescopic device is confirmed to be fixed, the clamp can be removed, and then the remaining unwelded anchored steel bars are completely welded with the pre-embedded steel bars to securely anchor the telescopic device.
Note: It is strictly forbidden to apply any welding on the beam and side beam in the telescopic device.
If the telescopic device is installed in sections, the joint must be welded. The welded joints of the section steel are already prepared at the manufacturing plant, and can be installed when the two phases are aligned.
After each beam is welded, it is anchored according to the above steps.
The template is installed at the beam end, and the template is made according to the outer dimensions of the telescopic device and the gap of the reserved groove. The template should be made very tight to prevent the mortar from flowing into the displacement control box or into the gap of the beam end.
After checking that the installed template is tight and seamless, the reserved tank can be cleaned and concrete can be poured and vibrated.
The concrete has at least the same strength as the structural concrete there, and the concrete is kept clean when pouring concrete.

欢迎来到衡水聚诚橡胶制品有限公司网站,我公司位于属于环渤海经济圈和首都经济圈的“1+9+3”计划京南区—衡水市。 具体地址是河北衡水衡水市和平东路24号,负责人是石国胜。
联系电话是18230089589, 主要经营衡水聚诚橡胶制品有限公司主营:管道封堵气囊,板式橡胶支座,双组份聚硫密封胶 ,管道堵水气囊,修补橡胶坝等产品,欢迎各位前来指导!。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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